Klamotten. Klimatten. Klangmitten.


Walter der Wal performed by Jan Jun

Walter der Wal is a sonic object created by Rosemarie Vollmer and anne wellmer

It is the largest sonic object that was created as part of the project 'Klamotten. Klimatten. Klangmitten.' during the Kunstwochen für Klima und Umwelt in Karlsruhe: anne wellmer invited participants to create sonic objects from used textiles, found materials and trash.

Walter der Wal consists of a skeleton made from collected branches and twigs which is held together by trash wrapped around parts or it. The body was sewn from old sheets. The sound is created by the crunching of the branches and trash, as well as lentils and beans falling through the skeleton. Walter der Wal is in fact a giant rainstick.

recorded and mixed by anne wellmer
on May 6 2023 at GEDOK in Karlsruhe